Diversity Dinner and Celebration:
Shaping Inclusive Excellence in Medicine
Saturday, February 22, 2025
5:15 - 10:30 p.m.
The Diversity Dinner and Celebration: Shaping Inclusive Excellence in Medicine is a prestigious event dedicated to recognizing and celebrating the rich tapestry of diversity within the University of Maryland School of Medicine.
Proceeds from the event will support the University of Maryland Medicine Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Fund, broadening opportunities, and resources essential to cultivating a truly inclusive environment. A portion of these proceeds will also benefit the Dean Emeritus Donald E. Wilson’s Endowed Scholarship Fund, a foundational fund that empowers the talents of underrepresented individuals in medicine.
Rooted in the spirit of unity, this celebration not only showcases the remarkable achievements that arise from the spirit and practice of diversity and inclusion but also advances our collective efforts toward equal access and excellence in medical education and practice.
Tickets go on sale November 22, 2024
Price: $200 each
This includes complimentary parking, cocktail reception, dinner, beverages, dessert, and access to the after-party.
Purchase a ticket or a sponsorship to attend the event.
10:30 pm Event Concludes
Vice President for Medical Affairs, UM Baltimore
John Z. and Akiko K. Bowers Distinguished Professor and
Dean, University of Maryland School of Medicine
Bruce and Isobel Cleland Chair of Otorhinolaryngology
- Head & Neck Surgery
Professor and Chair, Department of Otorhinolaryngology
- Head and Neck Surgery
Hathaway is a native Baltimorean and son of Union Baptist Church. He has earned a Ph. D. in Philosophy of Religion from the North Carolina College of Theology and a Doctor of Ministry degree from the United Theological Seminary.
During the cocktail reception and dinner, we will have the RUMBA CLUB an eight-piece World Music
During the Dessert Reception, we will have a live band & dancing as well as DJ Dholi Ram
Each year, the Dean’s Faculty and Alumni Awards for Diversity and Inclusion are presented at this event. These awards recognize an individual SOM faculty member and medical school alumnus for their outstanding contributions in promoting diversity and inclusion within the field of medicine and/or the recruitment and retention of under-represented minorities.
Nominations for these awards are due by Friday, December 20, 2024.
The purpose of these awards is to recognize a faculty member of the University School of Medicine for their extraordinary work to advance diversity and inclusion throughout the field of medical education and healthcare equality.
Download Award Criteria
The purpose of this award is to recognize a medical school alumnus for their extraordinary work to advance diversity and inclusion throughout the field of medical education and healthcare equality in the United States.
Download Award Criteria
Charitable gifts to the University of Maryland Medicine Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Fund, will broaden DEI opportunities and essential resources.
Your donation to this new fund will:
• Ensure that talented students who are underrepresented in medicine (URM) can have
equitable opportunities to pursue their medical aspirations.
• Support research initiatives and curriculum development focused on addressing health
care disparities, promoting health equity, and ensuring cultural competency training.
• Increase the representation of URM faculty members, providing URM students with role
models, mentors, and advocates who can support their academic and professional success.
Gifts to the Dean Wilson Scholarship help driven and qualified students of all backgrounds get the support they need to succeed at the University of Maryland School of Medicine.
Ayooluwakiitan Oluwafemi
2024 Dean Emeritus Donald E. Wilson Scholarship Recipient
Dr. and Mrs. Donald Wilson
M&T Bank Exchange
France-Merrick Performing Arts Center
401 W. Fayette Street
Baltimore, MD 21201
Julie Ecke
Director of Special Events
University of Maryland Medicine Philanthropy
31 S. Greene Street, 3rd Floor, Baltimore, MD 21201