
MBA Fellowships
Attracting and Retaining Exceptional Students

Over the past decade, recruiting top MBA students has become increasingly competitive, as peer programs have amassed generous fellowship budgets. Scheller College must compete with peer institutions in talent recruitment. Fellowships will encourage admitted students to enroll while also attracting top MBA applicants in the future.

Funding Priorities:

While peer institutions offer multiple full fellowships to top applicants, we are currently able to offer only a few.

Diverse Candidates:
We believe in the value of a diverse MBA student body. Women, underrepresented minorities, and those with a military background are in high demand and are costly to recruit.

Dual Degree Students:
Students enrolled in M.S. or Ph.D. programs attract technology, consulting, and health care companies to recruit at Scheller College, and fellowships are essential for these students to be able to pursue the additional academic year required as a dual degree MBA student.


Funding Priorities:

• Grow the Full-time MBA program enrollment to serve 100 students per class while maintaining and enhancing quality

• Maintain a steady stream of 140-150 high-caliber, part-time MBA students

• Attract a larger applicant pool in an increasingly competitive environment

• Increase the number of MBA fellowships designated to support women, underrepresented minorities, and military students, expanding program diversity, and helping recruiters meet their diversity objectives.

• Build upon the success of our MBA/M.S. or Ph.D. and M.D./MBA degree programs, in collaboration with the Georgia Tech Colleges of Computing, Design, Engineering, and Sciences, the Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts, and the Morehouse School of Medicine

MBA Fellowships Support


"We believe the combination of talented students and financial resources will provide the platform to continue to make Scheller College a formidable competitor in the business school market."

Maryam Alavi
Dean and Stephen P. Zelnak, Jr. Chair
Professor of IT Management

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